
Our customers tell us that automating feedback request emails makes their life easier. Once up and running you will receive a steady stream of feedback from your customers without any extra work. This can help to identify and save any customers at risk.

Currently, there are two primary methods for automating feedback:

  1. Software Integration — Recommended.
  2. Email Integration (BCC or To Email) — Not recommended.

If these methods do not work for you, but you are keen to automate, get in touch and we’ll do our best to help.

Software Integration

The best, fastest, most secure and flexible way to integrate with CustomerSure is to use our API. The API gives you complete flexibility, is fast and reliable, and most importantly is highly secure. You can create feedback requests at any point in a customer journey based on any event in your other business systems. This option usually requires help from your IT team. We are always happy to work with you and your IT team to identify the best approach.

Email Integration (BCC or Email To)

Email integration offers a quick and easy way for you to automate feedback collection, and you may be able to set it up without any help from IT. When our software receives an email (to an email address we give you) it schedules a feedback request email to the customer based on the settings you control in your account.

You can have as many email integrations as you need. You will be given a unique email address for each one you set up.

In general, email integrations are not as secure and reliable as an API integration (see below). You should always seek to set up an API integration where possible.

BCC: Send an email copy to your account

If you already send customers an email at key touchpoints (i.e. invoice, dispatch notes), you can BCC us on that email, and we’ll schedule a feedback request to that customer’s email address.

This is our most limited way of automating feedback requests, but it is useful if all else fails.

Email To: Send a new email to your account

If you can add new automated emails to your existing systems, you can configure them to email CustomerSure at key touchpoints.

You will need to include all the key information, for instance customer’s name and email address, in the body of the email your software sends.

When we receive these mails, we will schedule a feedback request to that customer.

Add a new email integration

  1. Hover over your name on the main menu.
  2. Click Company Settings on the drop-down menu.
  3. Click Apps & Integration on the secondary navigation bar.
  4. Click Add email automation button.

Edit email integration settings

For each email integration, you can control which survey and email template are used, and set a custom delay between us receiving your mail and sending a feedback request mail to your customer.

For example, if you need to allow time for goods to arrive, or if you are surveying new customers and want to give them a few weeks to assess whether they are happy or not, set the delay accordingly.

Once you’ve created an email integration you can edit it here:

  1. Hover over your name on the main menu.
  2. Click Company Settings on the drop-down menu.
  3. Click Apps & Integration on the secondary navigation bar.
  4. Click Edit next to your integration.

Other Options

Occasionally, automation isn’t feasible. We’re always happy to help where we can, but if we can’t work out a clear route forwards together you could collect feedback manually page. Many of our customers put simple daily/weekly processes in place to upload a CSV to CustomerSure, and find this works well.

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